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Basic information:

  • Matiční gymnázium is located in Ostrava, the third biggest city in the Czech Republic. 
  • The address is Dr. Šmerala 2565/25, 702 00 Ostrava. 
  • The principal of our school is Mgr. Ladislav Vasevič and the deputy principal is PaedDr. Karel Mohelník. 
  • We are a grammar school that provides general education in subjects like social sciences, physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as foreign languages, such as Spanish, German, French, or Russian. English is mandatory.
  • Our school offers two types of studies. Either you start an 8-year study program when you are about 11 years old, or you try a 4-year study program at the age of 15.
  • Many famous people studied here, for instance Ivan Lendl (tennis player), Jiří Přívratský (sports shooter), Hana Zagorová (singer), Norbert Lichý (actor), Jan Balabán (writer) or Ladislav Špaček (Václav Havel’s press agent).



  • Matiční gymnázium (founded 1897) is the oldest Czech school in Ostrava. By the period of the 1st Republic there were over 500 students at school. During the Second World War the school was directly hit by bombing and studies had to be moved to the destroyed building of the abolished German grammar school. The communist regime changed the institution from an eight-year to a four-year school and many teachers were fired because of different political views.

    Historie budovaHistorie lidé

Interesting facts about this school:

  • We have a lot of free extracurricular activities (first-aid club, chess club, biology club, English club, shooting range club, journalistic club, debate club, theater club, math club etc.)
  • We offer variety of trips abroad, for example to the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Vietnam etc.
  • We look after the Edward´s pheasants (critically endangered species, very rare in nature).
  • We hold many competitions for students to attend.

Student council can make decisions about what happens in the school.


MGO projects:

This is the list of some projects:

  • Friends of MGO (Matiční gymnázium Ostrava)Association intended to bring together the parents and friends of MGO for the purpose of supporting, developing and participating in the activities of MGO and its students and enriching and developing the cultural and social life of the school
  • DofE Duke of Edinburgh International Award. Anyone aged 14 to 24 can join.The students decide what they want to do and set the goals they want to achieve.Graduates will receive an international certificate, helping with the admission process at universities both here and abroad
  • Erasmus+European Union program to support the youth and their education, sport and professional training in Europe
+420 596 116 239
Dr. Šmerala 25/2565, Ostrava

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